Miscellaneous Links

  Aanbieding: tweedehands waar en prototypen Te Koop

  My garage-sale. Various used items and prototypes

 Alligt Alleweder A4 bouwpagina van Theo van den Broek op het Internet Archive
 Erwins Flevobike Alleweder avonturen
Cookie Strada 48 Blog

 Ron's Hoogfrequent Thuis(B)rouw pagina

PE1AKF  Ruud's Electronica en Computer Projecten
PE1BR  Marco, PE1BR

Vragenrubriek.nl - Gratis Populair wetenschappelijk magazine

   VERON Meppel Hobbyclub
   Free radio Network (PMR446 Internet Gateways) 


I will not be responsible for damage to equipment, your ego, personal injury or worse that may result from the use of this material and material found on any links on my pages. You are responsible to make sure that your use any of my designs is legal in your country.

PE2ER Homebrew projects page

Copyright: Erwin Gijzen

Version: Oct-2006